How is shipping calculated?

What are units?
Units are the calculation block for the approximate weight of your item.

How is the cost of each unit determined?
The total cost of shipping is divided by the total number of units in the spree batch.

For example, if the shipping fee is $100 and the total number of units is 10, then the cost of each unit is:
$100 / 10units = $10 per unit.

Rough estimation of unit calculations
0.5unit(s) : Accessories / Underwear / Bras / Socks
1.0unit(s) : Tops / Swimwear / Wristlets
1.5unit(s) : Tunics / Lightweight Cardigans / Shorts / Skirts / Clutches / Rompers / Dresses / Mens Shirt and Polos
2.0unit(s) : Hoodie/ Jackets / Sweaters / Pants / Mens shorts
2.5unit(s) : Thick Jackets / Jeans / Blazer / Knitted Sweater
3.0unit(s) : Bags / Shoes
4.0unit(s) : Wedges / Heels / Shoes / Thick Coats
5.0unit(s)/6.0units(s) : Thick Coats / Winter Jackets / Big Bags / Double Pleated Blaze

Please note that this is simply an approximate guide. Units will be revised upon the arrival of your items.

In general, items made of heavier materials (ie heavy knits, wool, thick rubber soles etc) will take up more units.


2010-2012 Sweetevil’s Spree | Singapore Fashion & Electronics Shopping Spree | BUSINESS REGISTRATION NO. 53215259W